Science Technology & Innovation Park
Maseno University Science, Technology and Innovation Park, is a department under the Directorate of Research, Publications & Consultancy within Planning, Research & Extension Services Division.
The co-ordinator of the department is Prof Mathews M Dida
The overall aim of the Science, Technology and Innovation Park is to promote development, documentation, protection and commercialization of innovations in science and technology.
The following are the specific objectives;
1. To provide quality space and environment to promote Science Technology and Innovation activities and business.
2. To facilitate commercialization of innovative products and services from university research centers /schools
3. To ensure collaboration and linkages of innovators with the industry to encourage need based innovations.
4. To promote application of Science, Technology and Innovation in the service of community through appropriate outreach programs.
1. Vision
The Vision of the ST&I park:
To be a Science, Technology and Innovation Park of excellence in transfer of innovations and services for sustainable economic growth.
2.2. Mission
Mission of the ST&I park:
To provide quality space and environment to promote cutting edge innovations, incubate and market innovative products for regional and global competitiveness.
Some innovations and activities at the Science, Technology and Innovation Park
Our recent major innovations are in the area of agriculture and food security includes:
1 New maize hybrids that are high yielding, resistant to drought and acid soils (Maseno EH10 and Maseno EH11)
1. Striga weed resistant hybrid maize varieties (Maseno EH12 and EH14).
2. Extra early maturing and Striga weed resistant finger millet (Maseno 60D).
3. Sweet corn adapted to lowlands and mid-altitudes of western Kenya.
4. We bulk the seed of new upland rice varieties and African traditional vegetables.
5. We produce quality all male Tilapia fingerlings for farmers in western Kenya.