Maseno University Journals
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Maseno Journal is online and open access that allows for unrestricted access for researchers across the world to increase the visibility and impact of published works and disseminate the research results for socio-economic development. It also enhances indexing and retrieval of the publications. The Journal is a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that has an aim of sharing knowledge on aspects of research, science, technology and innovation for sustainable development. The journal publishes original research and/or review articles both in the Humanities & Social Sciences, and Natural & Applied Sciences biannually. The submitted articles are all subjected to rigorous peer-review and decision on their publication is made by the editors of the journal, following reviewers’ advice. Maseno University does not necessarily agree with, or take responsibility for information contained in articles submitted by the contributors. The journal shall not be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the Editor-in- Chief, Maseno University.
Maseno Journal is a globally recognized academic channel for dissemination of scientific..
Authors in Maseno Journal must fulfill the following criteria: Read Moe..
The Journal Editors have a goal of ensuring that the journals produced are
The Maseno Journal Research Publication policy requires..
Submission of Papers and Manuscripts for Maseno Journal should be done....
Maseno Journal is online and open access that allows for unrestricted access