Technology Innovation Support Centre

Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) is a global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation run by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to support the development of a balanced and effective international intellectual property (IP) system that enables innovation and creativity. The main WIPO Agent in Kenya to manage and disseminate information about TISC is Kenya Industrial Property Organization (KIPI)
Maseno University signed a MoU with KIPI in January 2021 to run and manage TISC with the support of KIPI

Launching of TISC at Maseno University
The Director of KIPI and his Technical Team launch the TISC platform at Maseno University on 18th August, 2021. This preceded a two days training activity for researchers at Maseno University on the use of TISC and general knowledge on intellectual property management from 19th to 20th August, 2021.
Expected Impact of Establishing TISC at the University
- Strengthened institutional capacity to offer a variety of IP services to its clients including patent searches, patent drafting and assistance in prosecution of IP applications.
- Increase accessibility by host institution to technological information contained in patent literature and other sources.
- Increase innovative and inventive outputs manifested by increased patent filing by or through the host institution.

Duties and Obligations of the Parties
- Kenya Industrial Property Industrial Property Institute
- Conduct the necessary knowledge orientation and skills training for the Host Institutions to open and operate a TISC in its premises and deliver services such as : patent searches, patent drafting and assistance
- In patent prosecution services. KIPI shall design training programs to fit the needs of the Host Institution.
- Issue Institute standards, guidelines and manuals for the operation and monitoring of the TISC,
- Issue instructions from time to time to constantly improve efficiency in operations of the TISC.
- Promote the TISC to stakeholders and prospective clientele through government channels, advocacy activities and other public awareness endeavors.
The Host Institution: Maseno University
- Provide the necessary office space, furniture and fixtures, computer equipment and broadband internet connection for the TISC operations.
- Commission at least one technical expert who is knowledgeable in the technical fields of science based on the choice of the Host Institution to conduct patent searches at the TISC.
- Dedicate the same person to the TISC for the entire duration of this MOU and in cases of any changes to advice KIPI accordingly. Due to the extensive training that the expert will undergo, and the nature of the work at the TISC, there is need for continuous practice to attain the required competence.
- Commit to send its TISC personnel for trainings and capacity-building programs organized by KIPI for the TISCs
- Alternate with other Host Institutions in providing the venue for training and other events related to the TISC Project.
- Manage the day-to-day operations of the TISC and comply with the agreed standards, guidelines and manuals for the operation and monitoring of the TISC issued by KIPI.
- Provide KIPI with the required assessment, reports and other feedback inputs on the TISC services.
- Serve the community through the TISC by conducting patent search, drafting patents and assisting patent applicants.
- Eventually, conduct and facilitate its own training to the community to continue spreading patent searching and drafting skills to the community.
- Promoting Research Excellence for Sustainable Development: Role of Intellectual Property Rights/System
- Guideline for the examination of Patents, Utility Models, and Industrial Designs
- Searching Patent Information
- Strategies used for Searching Patent Information
- Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
- Introduction to Patent Information
- Important Links to Intellectual Property Rights
- The Kenyan Network of Technology and Innovation Support Centre