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Push-pull Agroecology Community of Practice (CoP) Co-construction Workshop

Participants at the workshop

Purpose: The purpose of the action is to develop a community of practice (CoP) for agroecological- based cropping systems within the Push-Pull innovation ecosystem to enhance food security, environmental safety, and incomes of smallholder producers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Specific workshop outputs:
1) Potential CoP knowledge partners identified and categorised based on relevance, expertise, mandate, availability, and interest; CoP members interests identified, and mapped; Membership inclusion criteria, and potential engagement structures defined.
2) Push-pull agroecology strategic goals and contexts re-defined – Development problems to be addressed by the CoP identified; Knowledge/practice focus areas, scope, depth, and strategic value proposition articulated. This includes:
(a) re-casting and optimising the Push-pull agroecology R&D strategy.
(b) comprehensive development of seed production and market value chains.
3) Cascaded sections of the CoP and their functions conceptualised collaboratively with identified members from their published evidence; Public and private CoP spaces defined.
4) CoP knowledge sharing and innovation co-creation strategy developed.

icipe Duduville, Nairobi, 15 -16 August 2024         | Download Full Report here: