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Nyanza Region Campus Convoy at Maseno University Report


This was the  fourth convoy held on 12th July 2024 held at the Maseno University campus grounds. The previous convoys were carried out in the Western Regional at the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Nairobi at the Catholic University and Mombasa. Institutions present at the Nyanza Region Campus Convoy were Nyabundo MTC,Uzima University,Greatlakes University ,Maseno Mission School of nursing ,Farad medical college, Kisii University and the host, Maseno University. Guest of honor for this meeting was Honorable Collins Ajwang, president of National Nurses Association of Kenya(NNAK)
Different associations and Unions were present at the convoy were Kenya Student and Novice Nurses Chapter(kesnnur) which is a chapter under the National Nurses Association of Kenya(NNAK), Nursing Counsel of Kenya,  KMET, Medical Student Association of Maseno(MEDSAM), GLUK, Marie Stopes representatives and leaders of NNAK in different regions. The meeting was spearheaded by Kesnnur chairperson, Mr. Elphas Muricho, assisted by   Mr. Gesora Kevin kesnnur 2nd vice chairperson, Mr. Chrispine  Juma organizing secretary kesnnur, Mr.  Victor  Otieno, nursing Representative Maseno and Mr.  Javan  Ochieng the former nursing Representative Maseno.


Different aspects were discussed during the meeting, the guests present focused on various issues in their speech. The Dean school of nursing maseno University,     Mrs.  Magambi Linda welcomed guests to the meeting and made general remarks about the nursing course. She told the students that nursing is taking care of others and that as students their nursing journey has just started. Mr. Sam Brian, the MEDSAM president, gave welcoming remarks and started the schools and departments under the MEDSAM organization. He also stated various achievements made by the association. He finally welcomed all the guests to the university for the meeting.
Mr. Elphas Muricho took a chance to talk about the Kenya Student and Novice Nurses Chapter which he chairs. He stated that kesnnur is a chapter under NNAK and it's a platform for young nurses. The chapter facilitates mentoring of nurses, it brings nursing students together, t engages nursing students in community service like the blood donation drive and participating in international nurses meeting. Together with kesnnur 2nd vice chairperson and the organizing secretary, they encouraged the nursing students from different institutions to join kesnnur and other nurses associations.


The North Coast Training College representative, Mr. Reuben Waswa gave a speech mentioning opportunities of nurses globally and reasons and advantages for working abroad. Marie Stopes representative, Mr. Asman Juma also had a chance to mention about his organizatiomn which he said was an international organization and it was well equiped. In his speech he mentioned the location of it's other branches, services offered, gender and health. He appreciated the nurses as the backbone of any facility.
Nursing Counsel of Kenya was also represented and in their speech , they gave roles of NCK, which included protecting nurses mentally and physically and preparing nurses to work in hospitals. He stated the building blocks for nursing and what paths a nurse can take if he or she does not want to work as a bedside nurse. Also a KMET representative, Mrs. Jane Raburu took a chance to explain aspects of leadership in nursing, leadership roles and the skills required to be a leader in nursing.


After remarks from the NNAK regional leaders, the president of the National Nurses Association of Kenya was given a chance as the guest of honor to make the final speech. Mr. Collins Ajwang appreciated all the nursing students, lecturers and leaders of various unions and organizations present. He praised the nurses for the major role they play and appreciated them for being able to be distinguished from any other medical workers. He also encouraged students to join NNAK and said it would be a good thing if the association was part of the Global Nursing Society.