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Dr. Wasike holds a Doctor of Agricultural Science (Dr. rer. Agr.) with a bias in Animal Genetics & Breeding
from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He currently works at Maseno University as a Lecturer of
Animal Genetics and breeding, and the Chair of the Department of Animal Science. He is a DAAD and
Borlaug fellow and has expertise in quantitative/statistical genetics & animal breeding. Research interests
include improvement of accuracy of animal evaluations & genetic improvement of functional efficiency in
KALRO (Lead), Maseno University, ILRI, Kenya Livestock Breeders Association Adaptive research component of the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project
Funding agency: World Bank through KALRO
About the Research:
Continuous climate variation is negatively impacting milk production in Kenya. Conversely, demand for milk products is projected increase. Therefore, resilient livestock breeds like Sahiwal are needed to mitigate impacts of climate change by building resilience of ASAL pastoral communities for food and income security. However, several challenges limit improvement and effective utilization of Sahiwal cattle in ASAL pastoral systems. This project will utilize holistic innovative participatory approaches leveraging on genomic, reproductive and information and communication technologies to sustainably improve herd productivity, resilience and profitability in the ASALs by adopting and promoting technologies that enhance animals’ adaptability and ecosystem’s resilience.
URL Link:
Project 2 Title: Improving Smallholder Farm Livelihoods through Climate Smart Community
Based Dairy Goat Management Practice
Adaptive research component of the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project
Partners: KALRO (Lead), Maseno University, ILRI, Dairy Goat Breeder Associations
Funding agency: World Bank through KALRO
Funding Level: Kshs 20,081,330
About the Project:
Dairy goats form an integral component of the livestock sector in Kenya which
contributes to food security and increased household incomes. Their production is one of the climate-smart agricultural systems that could build farmers resilience to climate change. Goats are more adaptable than other livestock species as they thrive in a variety of agro-ecological zones and management systems. Dairy goat germplasm availability and feeding have been highlighted as major constraints to dairy goat production in Kenya. The goal of the project is to improve on dairy goat productivity and resilience among smallholder farmers through breed improvement and feeding initiatives.