Maseno University Farmers Field Day Held on 7th Dec 2022

The school of Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sciences held the first farmers field day in the university main campus ground on the 7th December 2022. The field day attracted about 240 farmers and 10 exhibitors drawn from various counties within Kenya. The school was represented by various departments i.e., Animal and Fisheries, Crop and Soil Sciences, Agricultural Economics and Rural development and Environmental Sciences. The departments show-cased various research and educational activities that are linked to food security, rural development and environmental protection. The school out-reached to farmers through technical advice and extension approaches on various food value chains including aquaculture, fisheries, animal breeding and health, crop and soil management, environmental conservation and climate related issues.

Other exhibitors included
1. High Chem Solutions, which deals with large animals, poultry and households chemicals and supplements. These include; Acaricides such as Tactic, De wormers such as Cadal and household hygiene products such as Travin dudu dust for crawling insects, Assasin for bed bugs, Baracci for rodents and Promax. They educated farmers on types of diseases, signs and symptoms of diseases and disease control, importance of deworming in animals (cattle), importance of disinfecting poultry houses, different household hygiene products.
2. Kick Start (Money Maker Pumps), which focuses exclusively on designing high performance manual and solar-powered irrigation tools for specific smallholder farmer’s needs. Kick start aims to scale smallholder farmer’s irrigation through offering reliable and affordable irrigation pumps.
3. Medina Chemicals Limited, which deals with animal health- livestock and poultry mineral salts etc.
4. Wonder Feeds Limited, which manufacture and supply animal feed products and produces poultry, dairy, dog meal, rabbit feeds and kienyeji mash.
5. Cyberdip and Honey Mix Limited, which deals with livestock - Acaricides, injectables and mineral salts such as milk boosters.
6. Metrovet Kenya Limited (Veterinary Pharmaceutical), which deals with animal health and manufactures injectables, water soluble powders, dewormers and pet products
7. Atlantis Life Science Limited, which deals with Animal health and nutrition, Animal Genetics, Reproductive hormones and Public health.
8. PAMOJA CBO and Tropical Focus for Rural Development, which are concerned with community empowerment through sustainable programs for food security and climate resilience