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MUABS officials and members pose with faculty members from the School of Business and Economics.

Entrepreneurship And Investment Summit

Participants of the summit pose with members of faculty from the School of Business and Economics and the invited guests.

“To go fast go alone, to go far go with others.” On the 15th of March ,2024, the Maseno University Association of Business Students (MUABS), in partnership with Britam, CHUMZ and National Bank held a summit at the university’s Amphitheater. The theme was ‘Strategic ventures; building wealth through entrepreneurship and investment for opportunities creation and sustainability.’ There were keynote speakers who expounded more on the theme of the day.

Dr. Fredrick Aila, the Dean of the School of Business and Economics

In entrepreneurship opportunities are either discovered or created. There are no opportunities, create them and opportunities are all over, find them. You need to possess the fast-moving syndrome,” 

Dr. Caroline Oloo- Patron MUABS and the Chair of Department Business Administration.

Entrepreneurship is the art of turning an idea into a masterpiece; it’s about painting your vision with bold actions and bright persistence. Remember, every great venture in history started with a single brushstroke. Dare to create your own path!” 

Dr. Renson Wanyonyi – Lecturer, School of Business and Economics

“What is the rationale for being entrepreneurial, innovative and creative? In the dynamic economic times, the changing societal expectations and the upsurge in population and pressure, one needs to have a willing mind and a sounding board to unlock opportunities for your financial autonomy. Come out of your comfort zone and avoid the need to see, to do,”

Collins Obat -sales manager National Bank

The power of Implementing; turn your strategies and plans into actions in order to achieve your strategic objectives and goals,Package yourself, wealth is built overtime. Weak ties could eventually lead to strong networks.

Samuel Njuguna- C.E.O CHUMZ

The most important skill to be possessed by a business person is sales that is, transferring value of your product in exchange for money. Your skill set, beliefs, network and experience is what will set you apart from everyone else. Lack of resources should not be a reason for one not to venture in entrepreneurship if your ideas can disrupt the current market. Entrepreneurial financing also known as Investment banking, through Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists, have made it possible for young entrepreneurs to venture into the market space

Participants of the summit taking notes.
MUABS officials and members pose with faculty members from the School of Business and Economics.