Maseno University Students Win the Western Region University Bootcamp

Maseno University Students Win the Western Region University Bootcamp and Hackathon Competition
Maseno University students from the School of Computing and Informatics participated in Bootcamp and hackathon training and competiton hosted by Huawei Technologies and Communication Authority of Kenya. The training and bootcamp ran from 31st July to 4th August 2023 at Ciala Resort,The participating students were from universities such as Kibabi university, Kabarak University, Kisii University, Egerton university, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Masinde Muliro Univerity of Science and Technology etc. The competition aimed at driving the development of high-quality ICT talent, select qualified talent for the industry, continuously provide future driven training, promote active participants for digital transformation, promote efficient mapping of talent supply and demand and further contribute to a sustainable talent ecosystem.

The students from the university scooped position 1, !st runner Up and 2nd runner Up for the Bootcamp and the hackathon event. The two teams from the hackathon and Boot camp will represent the region in national competitions to be held later in October.
Congratulation to team Maseno for the great achievement and proving that we are the Fountain of excellence