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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2013 Effects of land use types on the levels of microbial contamination based on total coliform and Escherischia coli counts on the Mara River, East Africa.

African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries, 13: 5-11.

Matano, A.S.; Anyona, D.N.; Owuor, P.O.; Abuom, P.O.; Dida, G.O.; Kapiyo, R.; Ofulla, A.V. O.
2013 Factors determining land use development in the unplanned suburbs of Kisumu Municipality, Kenya.

International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(1), 1-23.

Kola, M.O.; Onyango, G.M.; Oindo, B.O.
2013 The effects of farm pesticides on water bird numbers in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 2(7), 203 – 209.

Kaoga, J.; Ouma, G.; Abuom, P.
2013 The oortunities and challenges for mitigating climate change through drought adaptive strategies: The case of Laikipia County, Kenya,

Academic Research International Part-II: Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 453-465.

Huho, J.M.; Kosonei, R.C.
2006 Growing up and sexual maturation among the Luo of Kenya:

Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi ISBN 9966-47-300-9.

Othuon, L.A.; Ang’awa, F.; McOnyango, O.; Ayieko, M.
2006 Kakamega Forest, ecotourism and rural livelihoods: linkages and interactions for the Kakamega Forest region, Western Kenya.

Sustainable Tourism II, (Brebbia, C.A.; Pineda, F.D.V., Eds). Wessex Institute of Technology, Transactions on Ecology and the Environment–eLibrary: ISBN: 1-84564-044-6; ISSN: 1746-448X-print, ISSN: 1743-3541-online, Section 4, pp139-149.

Kambona, O.O.; Stadel, C.
2007 Principles and Practices of Environmental Auditing in Kenya, chapter 5.

Environment and Sustainable Development, A Guide for Tertiary Education in Kenya, (Waswa, F.; Otor, S.; Olukoye, G.; Mugendi, D., Eds) Vol. II, 2007; ISBN: 9966-776-34-6, A Book Project of the School of Environmental Studies and Human Sciences, Kenyatta University

Kambona, O.O.; Waswa, F.; Mireri, C.
2007 Nutritional Value of Selected Species of Reproductive Isoptera and Ephemeroptera Within the ASAL of Lake Victoria Basin.

 Discovery and Innovation, 19(2), 126-130. (Africa Academy of Sciences)

Ayieko, A.M.
2008 Human Resource Systems in Kenya: A Case Study of Hotel Human Resources Performance .

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49, 413-427 (The Center for Hospitality Research (CHR), Cornell University)

Onyango, F.E.; Okech, R.N.
2008 Promoting rural tourism in Kenya and Romania. The Annals of The "Stefan cel Mare" University Suceava.

Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 8, 22-28 (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava)

Okech, R.N.; Nedelea, A.