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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2011 Self perception of risk factors associated with HIV and AIDS infection among the blind youth in tertiary colleges in Kenya.

Educational Research, 1(52), 943-947. (International Research Journals)

Kochung, E.J.; Were, M.C.
2011 Implications of communication formats on HIV and AIDS information for persons with disabilities in Kenya.

Educational Research, 2(51), 752-756. (International Research Journals).

Kochung, E.J.; Were M.C.
2011 Factors influencing students career choices among secondary school students in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya.

Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 2(2), 81-87. (Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited)

Kochung, E.J.; Migunde, Q.
2011 Role of higher education in promoting inclusive education: Kenyan perspective.

Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 2(3) 144-149, (Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited)

Kochung E.J.
2011 Determining Deaf Childen’s Kenyan Sign Language Level of Competence.

Das Zeichen, Zeitschrift fur Sprache und Gehorloser, Institut fur Deutsche Gebardensprache und Kommuniniation Gehorloser,  July issue: Hamburg, pp. 320-330

Adoyo, P.O.
2013 Suort services and resources in regular primary schools with hearing impaired learners in Kenya: A case study of Kakamega County.

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(4), 1-9.

Okutoyi, J.; Kochung, E.; Kabuka, E.K.; Charles, W.M.; Oracha, A.P.
2013 Strategies employed by regular primary schools with hearing impaired learners in co-curricular activities: A case study of Kakamega County, Kenya.

European Journal of Educational Sciences, 1 (2), 79-92.

Okutoyi, J.; Kochung, E.; Kabuka, E.E.; Were, M.C.; Adoyo, P.O.; Fwamba, H.S.; Mbogani, W.J.; Asesa, E.
2013 Strategies of promoting positive attitude towards learners with hearing impairment by regular primary schools in Kenya (A case study for Kakamega County).

Greener Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 64-71.

Okutoyi, J.; Kochung, E.; Ayieko, Y.; Kabuka, E.; Mbogani, W.J.; Oracha, P.A.; Were, M.C.
2006 Total quality management in secondary schools in Kenya: extent of practice.

 Quality Assurance in Education, 16, 339-362 (Emerald EarlyCite)

Ngware, M.W.; Wamukuru, D.K.; Odebero, S.O.
2006 Total quality management in secondary schools in Kenya: extent of practice.

Quality Assurance in Education, 16, 339-362 (Emerald EarlyCite)

Ngware, M.W.; Wamukuru, D.K.; Odebero, S.O.