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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2011 An inventory of medicinal plants that the people of Nandi use to treat malaria.

Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 9 (3), 1192- 1200. (Biosciences)

Jeruto, P.; Mutai, C.; Ouma, G.; Lukhoba, C.
2011 Phytochemical constituents of some medicinal plants used by the Nandis of South Nandi district, Kenya.

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 9(3): 1201 -1210. (Biosciences)

Jeruto, P.; Mutai, C.; Ouma, G.; Lukhoba, C.
2011 Antibacterial activity of M. Moringa Oleifera and Moringa Oleifera and Moringa stenopetala methanol and n-hexane seed extracts on bacteria implicated in water-born diseases.

Afr. J. Microbiol, Res. 5:153-157.

Atieno W., Wagai S., Arama P. F. and Ogur J.
2011 Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of enteric bacteria isolated from water and fish in Lake Victoria basin of Western Kenya.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 75:762-769.

Onyuka J. H. O., R. Kakai, D. M. Onyango, P. F. Arama, J. Gichuki and A. V. Ofula.
2011 Spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem structure and productivity in a moist Kenyan savanna.

J. Plant Ecol. 212:769-783.

Otieno D.O., K’Otuto G. O., Ja‘kli B., SchrÖttle P., Maina J. N., Jung E., Onyango J. C.
2011 Morphological characterization of Kenyan nature wood ear mushroom and the effect of supplemented mellet and sorghum grains in spawn production

Agric. Biol. J. N. Arn.2:407-414.

Onyango B. O., Palapala V. A., Arama P. F., Wagai S. O. and Gichimu B. M.
2011 Antimicrobial activity of foliar fertilizer formulations and their effect on ice nucleation activity of Pseudomona Syringae, the causal agent of Bacterial blight in Cofee.

Int. J. Agric. Res. 6:550-561

R. B. Mugiira, P. F. Arama, J. M. Macharia and B. M. Gichimu
2011 Suitability of selected supplemented substrates for cultivation of Kenyan nature wood ear mushrooms.

A. J. Food Technol 5:395-403.

Onyango B. O., V. A. Palapala, P. F. Arama, S. O. Wagai and B. M. Gichima
2011 Suitability of selected supplemented substrates for cultivation of Kenyan nature wood ear mushrooms.

A. J. Food Technol 5:395-403.

Onyango B. O., V. A. Palapala, P. F. Arama, S. O. Wagai and B. M. Gichima
2011 Living with drought: The case of the Maasai pastoralists of northern Kenya. Education Research.

Journal, Vol 2(1), pp.  779-789.

Huho, J.M., Ngaira, J.K. And Ogindo, H.O.