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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2009 Comparing the yield components of three most popular commercial watermelon cultivars in Kenya with one newly introduced cultivar and one land race.

Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 1(4), 65-71. (Academic Journals) 

Gichimu, B.M; Owuor, B.O.; Dida, M.M.
2009 Morphological characterisation of some wild and cultivated watermelon (Citrullus sp.) accessions in Kenya.

ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 4 (2), 10-18 (Asian Research Publishing Networks).

Gichimu, B.M.; Owuor, B.O.; Mwai, G.N.; Dida, M.M.
2009 Economic analysis of different options in integrated pest and soil fertility management in maize cropping systems of western Kenya.

Agricultural Economics (in press). (Wiley-Blackwell) 

De Groote, H.; Vanlauwe, B.; Rutto, E.; Odhiambo, G.; Kanampiu, F.; Khan,
2010 Participatory consumer evaluation of twelve sweet potato varieties in Kenya.

The African Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 3……(The Global Horticulture Initiative)

Kwach, J.K.; Odhiambo, G.O.; Dida, M.M.; Gichuki, S.T.
2010 Yield of three commercial watermelon cultivars in Kenya as compared to a local landrace.

The African Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 3. ……(The Global Horticulture Initiative).

Gichimu B.M.; Owuor, B.O.; Dida, M.M.
2010 Participatory evaluation of integrated pest and soil fertility management options using ordered categorical data analysis.

Agricultural Systems, doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2009.12.005, (In Press) (Elsevier)

De Groote, H.; Rutto, E.; Odhiambo, G.; Kanampiu, F.; Khan, Z.; Coe, R.; Vanlauwe, B.
2010 Effect of farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizers on maize production on Alfisols and Ultisols in Kakamega, western Kenya.

Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 1(4), 430-439

Achieng, J.O.; Ouma, G.; Odhiambo, G.; Muyekho, F.
2010 Effect of Tithonia diversifolia (\ 1QA`) and inorganic fertilizers on maize yield on Alfisols and Ultisols of western Kenya.

Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 1(5), 740-747

Achieng, J.O.; Ouma, G.; Odhiambo, G.; Muyekho, F.
2011 Land and soil resources and their management for sustainable agricultural production in Kenya: current position and future challenges.

Egerton Journal of Science and Technology Series, 11

Sigunga, D.O.; Wandahwa, P.
2011 Pedological perspective of gully erosion sites within Kendu escarpment-Sondu Miriu Region, West Kenya.

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5(12), 1050 -1059. (Academic Journals)

Sigunga, D.O.; Hoshino, M.; Onyango, J.C.; Asanuma, S.; Kimura, M.