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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2008 Effect of washing and media on the germination of papaya seeds

ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 3(1), 8-11(Asian Research Publishing Networks).

Okeyo, A.; Ouma, G.
2008 Effect of washing and media on the germination of papaya seeds.

 Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 41(1), 21-26. (Institute of Tropics and Subtropics (ITS) 2009, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)

Okeyo, A.; Ouma, G.
2008 Integration of farmyard manure and plant population density effects on soil characteristics and productivity of mulched Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) in a Tropical climate.

 The African Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 1, 100-115 (The Global Horticulture Initiative)

Ogendo,R.O.;Isusta,D.K.; Sigunga,D.O
2008 Salinity and temperature effects on CO2 assimilation in leaves of avocados.

American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3(1), 40-49. (Academic Journals Inc., USA)

Musyimi, D.M.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2008 Effect of water deficit on the physiological and morphological characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica) rootstock seedlings.

American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3, 1-15. (Academic Journals Inc., USA) 

Luvaha, E.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2008 An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the Nandi people in Kenya.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 116(2), 370-376 (Elsevier) 

Jeruto, P.; Lukhoba, C.; Ouma, G.; Otieno, D.; Mutai, C.
2008 Herbal treatments in Aldai and Kaptumo divisions in Nandi District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

 African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 5(1), 103-105 (African Networks on Ethnomedicines)

Jeruto, P.; Lukhoba, C.; Ouma, G.; Otieno, D.; Mutai, C.
2008 Propagation of some endangered Indigenous trees from the Nandi South District of Kenya using cheap, non-mist technology.

Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 3(3), 1-6 (Asian Research Publishing Networks)

Jeruto, P.; Lukhoba, C.; Ouma, G.,
2008 Economic efficiency and supply response of women as farm managers: Comparative evidence from western Kenya.

World Development, 36, 1247-1260 (Elsevier)

Alene, A.D.; Manyong, V.M.; Omanya, G.O.; Mignouna, H.D.; Bokanga, M.; Odhiambo, G.D.
2009 Fungitoxic properties of four crude plant extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Schl. F. SP. Phaseoli, disease of common beans.

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 9(8), 1652- 1666. (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi)

Wagai, S.O.; Obongoya, B.O.; Odhiambo, G.