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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2007 Physiological responses of mango (Magifera indica) rootstock seedlings to water stress.

American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3(1), 1-5. (Academic Journals Inc., USA) 

Luvaha, E.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G
2007 Klebsiella oxytoca ‘10mkr7’ stimulates Striga suicidal germination in Zea mays.

Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2, 13-19 (African Journals Online). 

Babalola, O.O.; Odhiambo, G.D.
2007 Smallholder market participation under transactions costs: Maize supply and fertilizer demand in Kenya.

 Journal of Food Policy, 33, 318-328 (Elsevier)

Arega, D.A.; Manyong’, V.M.; Omanya, G.; Mignouna, H.D.; Bokanga, M.; Odhiambo, G.D.
2007 Economic efficiency and supply response of women as farm managers: comparative evidence from western Kenya.

 World Development, 36 (7), 1247-1260 (Elsevier)

Arega, D.A.; Manyong’, V.M.; Omanya, G.; Mignouna, H.D.; Bokanga, M.; Odhiambo, G.D.
2008 Striga management and the African farmer.

Outlook on Agriculture, 37(4), 277-282 (IP Publishing Ltd)

Woomer, P.L.; Bokanga, M.; Odhiambo, G.D.
2008 Phosphorus requirements by maize varieties in different soil types of western Kenya.

African Crop Science Journal, 16(2), 161-173 (Bioline International)

Wasonga, C.J.; Sigunga, D.O.; Musandu, A.O.
2008 Integrated management of Striga hermonthica, stem borers, and declining soil fertility in western Kenya.

Field Crops Research,  107,  102-115 (Elsevier)

Vanlauwe, B.; Kanampiu, F.; Odhiambo, G.D.; De Groote, H.; Wadhams, L.J.; Khan, Z.R.
2008 Effects of fertilizer nitrogen on short-term nitrogen loss in bypass flow in a Vertisol.

Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39(17), 2534-2549. (Taylor & Francis) 

Sigunga, D.O.; Janssen, B.H.; Oenema, O.
2008 Use of gibberellins to improve fruit set in pears after frost damage.

Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(1), 213-216 (Asian Network for Scientific Information)

Ouma, G.
2008 Effect of forcing and root pruning on the growth of citrus root stock seedlings.

African Plant Science and Biotechnology Journal, 2(2), 20-28. (Global Science Books)

Ouma, G.