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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2013 Effect of computerized accounting system on audit risk management in public enterprises: A case of Kisumu County, Kenya.

International Journal of Education and Research (Online), 1(5), 1-10. ISSN 2201-6333 (Print): 2201-6740 (Online).

Otieno, P.J.; Oima, D. (2013).
2013 Role of strategis purchasing and suly management practices in firm performance: A lesson from public bus transport firms in Kemya.

Global Advanced Journal of Social Science, 2(8), 187-201.

Ondoro, C.O.; Ojera, P.B.; Oginda, M.N. (2013).
2013 Antecedents to dissatisfaction with compensation for occupational injuries among employees of KTDA managed tea factories in Nyamira County, Kenya.

 International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(1), 121-129.

Okibo, S.S.; Oginda, M.N.; Onyango, M. (2013).
2013 The relationship between fiscal deficits and economic growth in Kenya:

 An empirical investigation. Greener Journal of Social Sciences, 3(6), 306-323.

Okelo, S.O.; Momanyi, G,; Othuon, L.; Aila, F.O. (2013).
2013 An analysis of the marhet of sweet potato traders in Kenya: A case of Rachuonyo South District and its key market outlets.

British Journal of Advance Academic Research, 2(1). 54-61.

Odondo, J.A.; Mukras, M.S; Momanyi, G. (2013).
2013 Effect of micro finance on performance of women owned enterprises, in Kisumu City, Kenya.

 Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 164-167,

Ocholah, R.M.A.; Ojwang, C.; Aila, F.; Oima, D. (2013)
2013 Literature review on the relationship between microfinance provision and women enterprise.

 Greener Journal of Social Sciences, 3(5), 278-285.

Ocholah, R.M.A..; Okelo, S.; Ojwang, C., Aila, F.; Ojera, P.B. (2013).
2013 Existing trends in foreign exchange rates of Kenya’s main trading currencies.

 European Scientific Journal, 9(25), 286-292.

Obura, O.J., Mukras, M.S.; Oima, D. (2013).
2013 Financing sports in Kenya: A case of Kenya basketball federation.

Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management (BAM), 3(8), 1161-1170.

Obonyo, M.O. (2013).
2013 Is Kenya’s current account sustainable? A stationarity and cointegration aroach.

European Scientific Journal, 9(25), 171-190.

Nyongesa, N.D.; Mukras, S.M.; Momanyi, G. (2013).