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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2011 Belief control practices and organizational performances: A survey of sugar industry in Kenya, African Research Review:

An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, 5(4), 1-17

Ojera, P.B.; Ogutu, M.; Siringi, E.M.; Othuon, L.A.
2011 Strategic Control Practices: Evidence from Sugar Industry in Kenya.

Aim Explore Journal of Management. 8(1), 22- 33.

Ojera, P.B.; Ogutu, M.; Othuon, L.A.; Othuon, L.A.
2011 Environmental management instruments used for human and solid waste management in urban Africa.

(In …. Book TITLE. Give details), Page 152 – 162 Vol. 1. No. 1 (Publisher: Wisdom Publications Delhi).

Oima, D.; Okello, S.
2011 Effluent Discharge by Mumias Sugar Company in Kenya: An Empirical Investigation of the Pollution of River Nzoia.

Sacha Journal of Policy and Strategic Studies Volume 1(1), 46-60,

Akali, N.M.; Nyongesa, N.D.; Neyole, E.M; Miima, J.B
2011 Effluent discharge by Mumias Sugar Company in Kenya: An empirical investigation of the pollution of River Nzoia.

 Sacha Journal of Environmental Studies, 1(1), 1-30

Akali, N.M.; Nyongesa, N.D.; Neyole, E.M.; Miima, J.B.
2012 Effect of retrenchment on service delivery of retained civil servants- A study of selected ministries in Kisii Central District, Kenya.

International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(4), 138-144.

Okibo, S.S.
2012 Impact of channel strategy on customer value of Kenyan soft drink companies.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(9), 1259-1266, (Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research)

Aila, F.O.; Ondiek, G.; Mise, J.K.; Odera, O.
2012 Biosecurity factors informing consumer preferences for indigenous chicken: A literature review.

Business and Management Review, 1(12), 60 – 71 (Businessjournals)

Aila, F.O.; Oima, D.; Ochieng, I.; Odera, O.
2013 Effect of strategic orientation on performance of banking institutions in Kisumu City, Kenya.

American Journal of Economics and Development, 3(2), 22-34.

Tuma, M. (2013).
2013 The effect of ethical treatment towards customers’ enterprise performance in Mumias Sugar Belt, Kenya.

International Journal of Current Research, 5(2), 377-381.

Otuya, W.I.; Onyango, M.A.; Ofafa, G.A.; Ojera, P.B.; Wachana, R.S. (2013).