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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2010 A novel functional variant in the stem cell growth factor promoter protects against severe malarial anemia.

Infection and Immunity, 78, 453-460 (American Society for Microbiology

Ouma, C.; Keller, C.C.; Davenport, G.C.; Were, T.; Konah, S.; Otieno, M.F.; Hittner, JB.; Vulule, J.M.; Martinson, J.; Ong'echa, J.M.; Ferrell, R.E.; Perkins, D.J.
2010 Hematological predictors of increased severe anemia in Kenyan children co-infected with Plasmodium falciparum and HIV-1.

American Journal of Hematology, 85; 227 – 233 (Wiley)

Davenport, G.C.; Ouma, C.; Hittner, J.B.; Were, T.; Ouma, Y.; Ong'echa, J.M.; Perkins, D.J.
2010 Wash durability and optimal drying regimen of four brands of long lasting insecticide-treated nets after repeated washing under tropical conditions.

Malaria Journal, 9, 248. (BioMed Central)

Atieli, F.K.; Munga, S.O.; Ofulla, ,A.V. Vuvule, J.M.
2010 The effect of repeated washing of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) on the feeding success and survival rates of Anopheles gambiae.

Malaria Journal, 9, 304. (BioMed Central)

Atieli, F.K.; Munga, S.O.; Ofulla, ,A.V. Vuvule, J.M.
2010 Elevated anti-Zta IgG levels and EBV viral load are associated with site of tumor presentation in emdemic Burkitt’s lymphoma patients: A case control study,

Infectious Agents and Cancer, 5: 13, doi:10.1186/1750-9378-5-13 (BioMed Central),

Asito, A.S.; Piriou, E.; Odada, P.S.; Fiore, N.; Middeldorp,; J.M.; Long, C.; Dutta, S.; Lanar, D.E.; Jura, W.G.; Ouma, C.; Otieno, J.A.; Moormann, A.M.; Rochford, R.
2011 Community Attitudes Towards Male Involvement in Home Based Care Activities for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Maseno Division, Western Kenya.

Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Vol. 3(11), pp. 503-512.

Makori, R. K. Onyango R. O. Kakai R., and Osero, J. O. S
2011 State of the globe: Tracking tuberculosis is the test of time.

Journal of Global Infectious Diseases / Jan-Mar 2011 / Vol-3 / Issue-1: 1-3.

Onyango R.O.
2011 Archives of Clinical Microbiology 2 (1):1-6.

African Health Sciences. II: 254-260.

Ogendi JO, Ayisi JG
2011 Cryptococcal meningitis among human immunodeficiency virus patients attending major hospitals in Kisumu, Western Kenya.

Archives of Clinical Microbiology 2 (1):1-6.

Kanji SS, Kakai R, Onyango RO
2011 Factors enhancing vulnerability to HIV and AIDS among residents of central division, Moyale district.

International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa. 3(2): 67-69.

Masinde D., Omuterema M.