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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2006 A macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter polymorphism is associated with high-density parasitemia in children with malaria.

 Genes and Immunity, 7(7), 568-575. (Nature Publishing Group).

Awandare, G.A.; Ouma, C.; Keller, C.C.; Were. T.; Otieno, R.O.; Ouma, Y.; Davenport, G.C.; Hittner, B.J.; Ong’echa, J.M.O.; Ferrell, R.; Perkins, D.J.
2007 Hepatosplenomegaly in Kenyan schoolchildren: Exacerbation by concurrent chronic exposure to malaria and Schistosoma mansoni infection.

Trop Med Int Health, 12, 1442-1449. (Wiley-Blackwell)

Wilson, S.; Vennervald, B.J.; Kadzo, H.; Ireri, E.; Amaganga, C.; Booth, M.; Kariuki, H.C.; Mwatha, J.K.; Kimani, G.; Ouma, J.H.; Muchuri, E.; Dunne, D.W.
2007 Age-adjusted Plasmodium falciparum antibody levels in school-aged children are a stable marker of microgeographical variations in exposure to Plasmodium infection.

BMC Infectious Diseases, 7, 67 Published online 2007 June 29. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-7-67. (BioMed Central)

Wilson, S.; Booth, M.; Jones, .FM.; Mwatha, J.K.; Kimani, G.; Kariuki, H.F.; Vennervald, B.J.; Ouma, J.H.; Muchiri, E.; Dunne, D.W.
2007 Microgeographical and Ethnic Variations in Water Contact and Schistosoma mansoni exposure within a Ugandan Fishing Community.

Trop Med Int Health. 12, 724-735. (Wiley-Blackwell)

Pinot de Moira, A.; Fulford, A.J.; Kabatereine, N.B.; Kazibwe, F.; Ouma, J.; Dunne, D.W.; Booth, M.
2007 The oxytocic properties of Luffa cylindrica (L.) M. Roem. and Bidens pilosa L., traditionally used medicinal plants from Western Uganda.

African Journal of Ecology 45, 88-93. (Wiley-Blackwell)

Kamatenesi-Mugisha, M.; Makawiti, D. W.; Oryem-Origa H.; Olwa-Odyek; Nganga, J.
2007 Factors affecting human IgE and IgG responses to allergen-like molecules from Schistosoma mansoni: molecular structure and patterns of in vivo exposure.

Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 142, 40-50 (S. Karger AG, Basel)

Fitzsimmons, C.M., McBeath, R., Joseph, S., Jones, F.M., Walter, K., Hoffmann, K.F., Kariuki, H.C., Mwatha, J.K., Kimani, G., Kabatereine, N.B., Vennervald, B.J., Ouma, J.H., Dunne, DW.
2007 Role of monocyte-acquired hemozoin in suppression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in children with severe malarial anemia.

Infection and Immunity, 75(1), 201-10. (American Society for Microbiology)

Awandare, G.A.; Ouma, Y.; Ouma, C.; Were, T.; Otieno, R.; Keller, C.C.; Davenport, G.C.; Hittner, J.B.; Vulule, J.; Ferrell, R.; Ong'echa, J.M.; Perkins, D.J.
2008 Hepatosplenomegaly is associated with low regulatory and Th2 responses to schistosome antigens in childhood schistosomiasis and malaria coinfection.

Infect Immun. 76, 2212-2218. (American Society for Microbiology)

Wilson, S.; Jones, F.M.; Mwatha, J.K.; Kimani, G.; Booth, M.; Kariuki, H.C.; Vennervald, B.J.; Ouma, J.H.; Muchiri, E.; Dunne, D.W.
2008 Reduced immune complex binding capacity and increased complement susceptibility of red cells from children with severe malaria-associated anaemia.

Molecular Medicine, 14, 89-97. (The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research)

Owuor, B.O.; Odhiambo, C.O.; Otieno, W.O., Adhiambo, C.; Makawiti, D.W.; Stoute, J.A.
2008 Haplotypes of IL-10 promoter variants are associated with susceptibility to severe malarial anemia and functional changes in IL-10 production.

Human Genetics, 124(5), 515-524. (SpringerLink) 

Ouma, C.; Gregory, G.C.; Were, T.; Otieno, M.F.; Hittner, J.B.; Vulule, J.M.; Martinson, J.; Ong’echa, J.M.; Ferrell, R.E.; Perkins, D.J.