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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2006 Suppression of RANTES in children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

 Haematologica, 91, 1396-1399 (Ferrata Storti Foundation)

Were, T.; Hittner, J.B.; Ouma, C.; Otieno, R.O.; Orago, A.S.S.; Ong’echa, J.M; Vulule, JM.; Keller, C.C.; Perkins, DJ.
2006 ncreased human IgE induced by killing Schistosoma mansoni in vivo is associated with pre-treatment Th-2 cytokine responsiveness to worm antigens.

Journal of Immunology. 177, 5490-5498. (American Association of Immunologists)

Walters, K.; Fulford, AJ.; McBeath, R.; Joseph, S.; Jones, F.M.; Kariuki, C.H.; Mwatha, J.K.; Kimani, G.; Sturrock, R.F.; Kabatereine, N.B.; Kemijumbi, J.; Vennervald, B;J.; Ouma, J.H.; Dunne, D.W.
2006 Factors affecting infection or reinfection with Schistosoma haematobium in coastal Kenya: Survival analysis during a nine-year, school-based treatment program.

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 75, 83-92. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)

Satayathum, S.A.; Muchiri, E.M.; Ouma, J.H.; Whalen, C.C.; King, CH.
2006 Association of Fc? receptor IIa (CD32) polymorphism with malarial anemia and high-density parasitemia in infants and young children.

 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 74(4), 573-577. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)

Ouma, C.; Keller, C.C.; Opondo, D.; Were, T.; Otieno, R.O.; Otieno, M.F.; Orago, A.S.; Ong’echa, J.M.; Vulule, J.M.; Ferrell, R.E.; Perkins, D.J.
2006 Increased severe anemia in HIV-1-exposed and HIV-1-positive infants and children during acute malaria.

AIDS, 20(2), 275-280 (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (London, United Kingdom)).

Otieno, R.O.; Ouma, C.; Ong'echa, J.M.; Keller, C.C.; Were, T.; Waindi, E.N.; Michaels, M.G.; Day, R.D.; Vulule, J.M.; Perkins, D.J.
2006 Parasitemia, anemia, and malarial anemia in infants and young children in a rural holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission area.

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 74, 376-385. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)

Ong’echa, J.M.; Keller, C.C.; Were, T.; Ouma, C.; Otieno, R.O.; Landis-Lewis, Z.; Ochiel, D.O.; Slingluff, J.L.; Ogonji, M.; Orago, A.S.; Vulule. J.M.; Kaplan, S.S.; Day, R.D.; Perkins, D.J.
2006 Acquisition of hemozoin by monocytes down-regulates interleukin-12 p40 (IL-12p40) transcripts and circulating IL-12p70 through an IL-10-dependent mechanism: in vivo and in vitro findings in severe malarial anemia.

Infection and Immunity, 74(9), 5249-5260. (American Society for Microbiology)

Keller, C.C.; Yamo, O.; Ouma, C.; Ong’echa, J.M.; Ounah, D.; Hittner, J.B.; Vulule, J.M.; Perkins, D.J.
2006 Malaria hotspot areas in a highland Kenya site are consistent in epidemic and non-epidemic years and are associated with ecological factors.

Malaria Journal, 5, 78-88. (BioMed Central)

Ernst, K.C.; Adoka, S.O; Kowuor, D.O.; Wilson, M.L. John, C.C.
2006 Applied and basic research on the epidemiology, morbidity, and immunology of schistosomiasis in fishing communities on Lake Albert Uganda.

Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 100, 216-223 (Medline)

Dunne, D.W.; Vennervald, B.J.; Booth, M.; Joseph, S.; Fitzsimmons, C.P. Sturrock, R.F.; Ouma, J.H.; Mwatha, J.K.; Kimani, G.; Kariuki, H.C.; Kazibwe, F.; Tukahebwa, E.; Kabatereine, N.B.
2006 Carriage of DRB1*13 Is Associated with Increased Posttreatment IgE Levels against Schistosoma mansoni Antigens and Lower Long-Term Reinfection Level.

The Journal of Immunology, 176, 7112-7118. (American Association of Immunologists)

Booth, M.; Shaw, M.A.; Carpenter, D.; Joseph, S; Kabatereine, N.B.; Kariuki, H.C.; Mwatha, J.K.; Jones, F.M.; Vennervald, B.J.; Ouma, J.H.; Dunne, D.W.