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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2010 Basic laboratory methods in microbiology.

(Lambert Academic Publishers (LAP)) ISBN- 978- 3-8383-9810-5)

Onyango, D.M.
2010 Epidemiology of waterborne and diarrheal diseases among children aged 6-36 months in Busia –western Kenya.

International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Science, 6(2): 92-99 (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology)

Onyango D. M.; Angienda P.O.
2010 Elevated anti-Zta IgG levels and EBV viral load are associated with site of tumor presentation in emdemic Burkitt’s lymphoma patients: A case control study,

Infectious Agents and Cancer, 5: 13, doi:10.1186/1750-9378-5-13 (BioMed Central),

Asito, A.S.; Piriou, E.; Odada, P.S.; Fiore, N.; Middeldorp,; J.M.; Long, C.; Dutta, S.; Lanar, D.E.; Jura, W.G.; Ouma, C.; Otieno, J.A.; Moormann, A.M.; Rochford, R.
2010 Potential application of plant essential oils at sub-lethal concentrations under extrinsic conditions that enhance their antimicrobial effectiveness against pathogenic bacteria.

Africa Journal of Microbiological Research, 4 (16), 1678-1684 (Publishers: Academic Journals).

Angienda,P.O; Onyango D.M.; Hill, D.J
2010 Genetic structure and gene flow in an endangered native tilapia fish (Oreochromis esculentus) compared to invasive Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Yala swamp, East Africa,

Conservation Genetics COGE-09-466. (In press) (SpringerLink)

Angienda, P.O.; Lee, H.J.; Elmer, K.R.; Abila, R.; Waindi, E.N.; Meyer, A.
2010 The effect of sodium chloride and pH on the antimicrobial effectiveness of essential oils against pathogenic and food spoilage bacteria: Implications in food safety.

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 1, 222-227 (Academic Journals).

Angienda, P.O.; Hill¸ D.J.
2010 Development of all-male fingerlings by heat treatment and the genetic mechanism of heat induced sex determination in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.),

International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, 7, 38-43. (Academic Science Research)

Angienda, P.O.; Aketch, B.O.; Waindi, E.N.
2011 Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of enteric bacteria isolated from water and fish in Lake Victoria Basin of Western Kenya.

International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences, 1(1), 6-13.

Onyuka, J.H.O.; Kakai, R,; Onyango, D.M.; Arama, P.F.; Gichuki, J.; Ofulla, A.V.O.
2011 Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of enteric bacteria isolated from water and fish in Lake Victoria Basin of western Kenya.

World academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 75, 762-769

Onyuka, H.O.; Kakai, R.; Onyango, D.M.; Arama, P.F.; Gichuki, J.; Ofula, A.V.
2011 Tetracycline efflux pump in different Salmonella enterica isolated from diarrhea patients in two rural health centers in Western Kenya.

Iranian Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases. 6(1), 24-30 (Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Research Center)

Onyango, D.M.; Kakai, R.; Waindi, E.N.