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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2009 The importance and effect of configurational geometry in the design and application of solar collectors and concentrators.

 In Solar Collectors: Energy Conservation, Design and Application, (Arthur V. Billian, Ed.), (Nova Science Publishers), Chapter 9, pp 227-249.

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N
2009 The importance and effect of configurational geometry in the design and application of solar collectors and concentrators with reference to compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) and cones.

International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 16 (2/3), 265-289. (Nova Science Publishers).

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.
2009 Physical formulation of the expression of wind power.

 In: Advances in Energy Research, Vol 1: (a book chapter-9) pp 259-265. ISBN: 978-1-61668-994-0. (Nova Science Publishers).

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.
2009 Investigation of the geometric concentration ratio of a modified cone concentrator generated from compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) by use of configurational geometry.

 International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 17 (1), 11-28. (Nova Science Publishers).

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.
2009 A new type of solar concentrator employing a cone-cylinder combination.

Int J. Global Energy Issues, 31(2), 169-182. (Interscience Publishers) 

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.
2010 A review of solar chimney power technology.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14 (2010) 2315-2338. (Elsevier)

Zhou, X.; Wang, F.; Ochieng, R.M.
2010 Performance of solar chimney power plant in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 2249-2255. (Elsevier)

Zhou, X.; Wang, F.; Fan, J.; Ochieng, R.M.
2010 Relativistic dynamics in a non-inertial reference frame.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. (Academic Publications) (In press)

Wamalwa, D.S.; Akeyo, O.J.; Ongati, O.N.
2010 Generalized relativistic dynamics in a non-inertial reference frame.

Indian Journal of Physics, 84(9). 1241-1255 (Indian Association of Cultivation Science)

Wamalwa, D.S.; Akeyo, O.J.
2010 Investigation of some factors that lead to improved performance vis-a’-vis the efficiency of single basin solar stills.

Kwach, C.N.O.; Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.

Kwach, C.N.O.; Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.