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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2013 Influence of nitrogen fertilizer rates and harvesting intervals on clonal tea green leaf fatty acids levels in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya.

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 3 (3&4): 667-674.

Owuor, P.O.; Okal, A.W.; Kamau, D.M.; Msomba, S.W.; Uwimana, M.A.; Kamunya, S.M.; Mang’uro, L.O.A.
2005 Solution of the Coulomb scattering potential problem by method of contour integration and change appropriate functions.

African Journal of Science, 6(2), 77-83. (African Network of Scientific and Technical Institutions)

Manyala, R.O.; Genga, R.O.
2006 The potential of solar chimney for application in rural areas of developing countries.

Fuel, 85, 2561-2566. (Elsevier)

Onyango, F.N.; Ochieng’, R.M.
2007 Determination of global absorptivity and emissivity of some opaque bulk materials using an integrating sphere calorimeter without ports.

Meas. Sci. Technol., 18, 2667-2672. (IOP Science Publishers)

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.: Owino, A.J.
2008 Revisiting non-degenerate parametric down-conversion.

 Pramana, 71 (6), 1311–1320 (Indian Academy of Sciences)

Omolo, J.A.
2009 Numerical investigation of a plume from a power generating solar chimney in an atmospheric cross flow.

Atmospheric Research, 91, 26-35. (Elsevier)

Zhou, X.; Yang, J.; Ochieng’, R.M.; Li, X.; Xiao, B.;
2009 Utilization of carbon-negative biofuels from low-input high diversity grassland biomass for energy in China.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13, 479-485. (Elsevier)

Zhou, X.; Xiao, B.; Ochieng’, R.M.; Yang, J.
2009 Development of direct current (d.c) to alternating current (a.c) inverters/oscillators for use in homes, schools and clinics in rural areas of developing countries

International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 19,(6). (Nova Science Publishers).

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.;Oduor, A.O
2009 A mathematical approach to the calculation of geometric concentration ratio of a modified cone concentrator.

International Journal of Mathematics Game Theory and Algebra, 19, (1/2), 1-6, (Nova Science Publishers).

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.;Oduor, A.O
2009 Work-Energy approach to the formulation of expression of wind power.

 In: Advances in Energy Research, (Morena J. Acosta, Ed.) .Vol 1: (Nova Science Publishers)

Ochieng’, R.M.; Onyango, F.N.