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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2009 Potential of corporate social responsibility for poverty alleviation among contract sugarcane farmers in the Nzoia Sugar belt, Western Kenya.

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22, 463-475 (Springer) 

Waswa, F.; Netondo, G.; Maina, L.; Naisiko, T.; Wangamati, J.
2009 Enhancing household food and income security through crop diversification in the Nzoia and Mumias sugar belts in Kenya.

Journal of Applied Biosciences, 23, 1406 – 1415 (FACT Limited, Biosciences Unit, Africa Office, Nairobi, Kenya.)

Waswa, F.; Mcharo, M.; Netondo, G.
2009 Fungitoxic properties of four crude plant extracts on Fusarium oxysporum Schl. F. SP. Phaseoli, disease of common beans.

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 9(8), 1652- 1666. (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi) 

Wagai, S.O.; Obongoya, B.O.; Odhiambo, G.
2009 The distribution of C3 and C4 photosynthetic species of the Centrospermeae along an altitudinal gradient in western Kenya.

International Journal of Botany, 5(1), 47-57. (Asian Network for Scientific Information) 

Sikolia, S.; Onyango, J.C.; Beck, E.; Kinyamairo, J.I.
2009 Carbon dioxide compensation points in some dicots of the Centrospermeae species and their ecological implications for agroforestry.

International Journal of Botany, 5(1), 67-75. (Asian Network for Scientific Information) 

Sikolia, S.; Beck, E.; Onyango, J.C.
2009 The Kakamega forest medicinal plant resources and their utilization by adjacent Luhya community.

 International Journal of Tropical Medicine, 4(3), 82-90. (Medwell Journals, Scientific Research Publishing Company)

Nyunja, A.R.O.; Onyango, J.C.; Beck, E.
2009 Effect of n-fertilization on yield components of nightshade. Acta Hort.

(ISHS), 806, 727-732 (International Society for Horticultural Science) 

Mwai, G.N.; Onyango, M.O.A.; Onyango, J.C.; Chadha, M.L.; Oluoch, M.O.
2009 Climate change and pastoral economy in Kenya: A blinking future.

Acta Geologica Sinica, 83, 1017–1023 (John Wiley)

Huho, J.M.; Ngaira, J.K.W.; Ogindo, H.O.
2009 Iron content of the formulated East African indigenous vegetable recipes.

 African Journal of Food Science, 3(12), 393-397 (Academic Journals)

Habwe, F.O.; Walingo, M.K.; Abukutsa-Onyango, M.O.; Oluoch, M.O.
2009 Morphological characterisation of some wild and cultivated watermelon (Citrullus sp.) accessions in Kenya.

ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 4 (2), 10-18 (Asian Research Publishing Networks). 

Gichimu, B.M.; Owuor, B.O.; Mwai, G.N.; Dida, M.M.