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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2007 Response of slenderleaf (Crotalaria brevidens (Benth) to inorganic nitrogen application.

 African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 7(3), (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi)

Abukutsa-Onyango, M.
2008 Female gametophyte in two Kenyan genera of inverrsodicraea Podostemaceae.

Research Journal of Botany, 4(1), 29-39. (Academic Journals Inc., USA) 

Sikolia, S.; Onyango, J.C.
2008 Female gametophyte of Tristichoideae (Podostemaceae):

Re-investigation. Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(7), 1158-1165. (Asian Network for Scientific Information) 

Sikolia, S.; Ochora, P.
2008 Values of the Centrospermeae species and their ecological implications in semi-arid conditions.

International Journal of Botany, 4(4), 421-429. (Asian Network for Scientific Information) 

Sikolia, S.; Beck, E.; Kinyamairo, J.I.; Onyango, J.C.; Ouma, G.
2008 Phytochemical compounds and antimicrobial activity of extracts of Aspilia plant – Aspilia mopssambicensis Oliv wild.

International Journal of Botany, 4(1), 56-16. (Asian Network for Scientific Information)

Musyimi, D.M.; Ogur, J.; Muema, P.M.
2008 Salinity and temperature effects on CO2 assimilation in leaves of avocados.

American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3(1), 40-49. (Academic Journals Inc., USA) 

Musyimi, D.M.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2008 The role of home gardening in household food security in Butere division of Western Kenya.

African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development, 8(4), 375-390 (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi) 

Musotsi, A.A., Sigot, A.J.; Onyango, M.O.A.
2008 Effect of water deficit on the physiological and morphological characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica) rootstock seedlings.

American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3, 1-15. (Academic Journals Inc., USA) 

Luvaha, E.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2008 Growth performance of bamboo in tobacco-growing regions in South Nyanza,

 Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 3, 716-724. (Academic Journals)

Kibwage, J.K.; Netondo, G.W.; Odondo, A.J.; Oindo, B.O.; Momanyi, G.M.; Jinhe, F.
2008 Food Processing and Preparation Technologies for Sustainable Utilization of African Indigenous Vegetables for Nutrition Security and Wealth Creation in Kenya.

In Using Food Science and Technology to Improve Nutrition and Promote National Development (Robertson, G.L.; Lupien, J.R., Eds), International Union of Food Science &Technology, Chapter 13, pp 1-8.

Habwe, F.O.; Walingo, K.M.; Onyango, M.A.O.