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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2007 Effects of leaf and root extracts of Aspilia plant (Aspilia mopssambicensis) (Oliv) wild on some selected micro-organisms.

International Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1(4), 213-220. (Academic Journals Inc., USA)

Musyimi, D.M.; Ogur, J.; Muema, P.M.
2007 Growth of avocado plants under saline conditions.

International Journal of Fruit Science, 7, 59-75 (Taylor & Francis ) 

Musyimi, D.M.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2007 Effects of salinity on gas exchange and nutrient uptake in avocados.

Journal of Biological Sciences, 7, 496-505. (Asian Network for Scientific Information) 

Musyimi, D.M.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2007 Effects of salinity on growth and photosynthesis of avocado seedlings.

International Journal of Botany, 3(1), 78-84. . (Asian Network for Scientific Information)

Musyimi, D.M.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2007 Photosynthetically active radiation influence on gas exchange parameters of avocado seedlings growing under saline conditions.

 Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(8), 1400-1405 (Asian Network for Scientific Information)

Musyimi, D.M.
2007 Further flavonol and iridoid glycosides from Ajuga remota aerial parts.

 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 9, 617–629 (Taylor & Francis)

Manguro, L. O.A.; Ogur; J.A.; Okora; D.M.; Wagai, S.O.; Lemmen. P.
2007 Physiological responses of mango (Magifera indica) root stock seedlings to water stress.

Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 2 (4-5), 6-12 (Asian Research Publishing Networks). 

Luvaha, E.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G.
2007 Physiological responses of mango (Magifera indica) rootstock seedlings to water stress.

 American Journal of Plant Physiology, 3(1), 1-5. (Academic Journals Inc., USA)

Luvaha, E.; Netondo, G.W.; Ouma, G
2007 Effects of nitrogen levels on growth and yield of broad-leafed African nightshade (Solanum scabrum).

Acta Hort., 745, 379-386 (International Society for Horticultural Science) 

Abukutsa-Onyango, M.O.; Karimi, J.
2007 Seed production and support systems for African leafy vegetables in three communities in western Kenya.

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 7(3), (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi)

Abukutsa-Onyango, M.