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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2013 The response of clone BBK 35 tea to nitrogen fertilizer rates and harvesting intervals in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya.

 Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 3 (3&4): 757-763.

Owuor, P.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Kamunya, S.M.; Jondiko, E. O.; Msomba, S.W.; Uwimana, M.A.
2013 Influence of nitrogen fertilizer rates and harvesting intervals on clonal tea green leaf fatty acids levels in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya.

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 3 (3&4): 667-674.

Owuor, P.O.; Okal, A.W.; Kamau, D.M.; Msomba, S.W.; Uwimana, M.A.; Kamunya, S.M.; Mang’uro, L.O.A.
2004 Lake Victoria: The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [MART.] Solms), its socio-economic effects, control measures and resurgence in the Winam gulf.

Limnologia 34, 105-109 (2004). (Instituto Internacional de Ecologia) 

Opande, G.; Onyango, J.C.; Wagai, S.O.
2004 Conservation of Biodiversity in the East African tropical forest.

Lyonia, 7(2), 151-157. (Harold L. Lyon Arboretum) 

Onyango, J.C.; Nyunja, R.A.O.; Bussmann, R.W.
2004 Sorghum and Salinity II. Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Sorghum under Salt Stres.

 Crop Science, 44, 806-811 (Crop Science Society of America,Inc).

Netondo, G.W.; Onyango, J.C.; Beck, Erwin.
2004 Sorghum and Salinity I. Response of Growth, Water Relations, and Ion Accumulation to NaCl Salinity.

Crop Science, 44, 797-805 (Crop Science Society of America, Inc.). 

Netondo, G.W.; Onyango, J.C.; Beck, Erwin.
2004 Crotalaria brevidens Benth.
In Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 2.Vegetables, (Grubben, G.J.H. Denton, O.A., Eds). PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp 229-231. 
Abukutsa-Onyango, M.O.
2005 Comparison of measured changes in seasonal soil water content by rainfed maize-bean intercrop and component cropping systems in a semi-arid region of southern Africa

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 30, 799-808 (Elsevier) 

Ogindo, H.O.; Walker, S.
2006 Flavanol and iridoid glycosides of Ajuga remota aerial parts.)

 Phytochemistry, 67, 830-837. (Elsevier

Manguro, L.O.A.; Wagai, S.O.; Lemmen, P.
2007 Taxonomic Identification and Characterization of African Nightshades (Solanum L. Section Solanum).

African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development, 7(4), (Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Nairobi)

Mwai, G.N.; Onyango, J.C.; Abukutsa-Onyango, MO.