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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2012 Variations of fatty acids levels in young shoots of clonal `with location of production and nitrogenous fertilizer rates in the Kenya highlands.

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2012), (In Press),

Okal, A.W.; Owuor, P.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Mang’uro, L.O.A.
2012 Multidentate bis(pyrazolylmethyl)pyridine ligands: coordination chemistry and binding properties with zinc(II) and cadmium(II) cations.

Journal  of Coordination Chemistry, 65(2), 298–307 (Taylor & Francis)

Ojwach, S.O.; Nyamato, G.S.; Omondi, B.; Darkwa, J.; Okoth, A.O.
2012 Antinociceptive and antiplasmodial activities of cassane furanoditerpenes from Caesalpinia volkensii H. root bark.

Fitoterapia, 83, 74–80  (Elsevier)

Ochieng’, C.O.; Owuor, P.O.; Mang'uro, L.A.O.; Akala, H.; Ishola, I.O.
2012 Evaluation of foliar analysis as a diagnostic tool of predicting nutrients deficiencies of clonal tea,

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 1(1), 8-18 (PBS Press).

Kwach, B.O.; Owuor, P.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Wanyoko, J.K.
2013 Isolation and characterization of a toxic metal-tolerant Phenanthrene-degrader Sphingobium sp. in a two-liquid-phase partitioning bioreactor (TB).

Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-9.

Wang, C.; Wang, F.; Hong, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Kengara, F.O.; Li, Z.; Jiang, X.
2013 Immobilization of chlorobenzenes in soil using wheat straw biochar.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61 (18), 4210-4217.

Song, Y.; Wang, F.; Kengara, F.O.; Yang, X.; Gu, C.; Jiang, X.
2013 Zanthoxoaporphines A–C: Three new larvicidal dibenzo[de,g]quinolin-7-one alkaloids from Zanthoxylum paracanthum (Rutaceae).

 Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 9, 447–452.

Samita, F.N.; Sandjo, L.P.; Ndiege, I.O.; Hassanali, A.; Lwande, W.
2013 Impacts of climate-induced changes on the distribution of pesticides residues in water and sediment of lake Naivasha, Kenya.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal, 185(3), 2723-2733.

Otieno, P.O.; Owuor, P.O.;. Lalah, J.O.; Pfister, G.; Schramm, K.-W.
2013 Comparative evaluation of ELISA kit and HPLC DAD for the determination of chlorpyrifos ethyl residues in water and sediments,

Talanta, 117, 250-257.

Otieno, P.O.; Owuor, P.O.; Lalah, J.O.; Pfister, G.; Schramm, K.-W.
2013 Antimalarial and safety evaluation of extracts from Toddalia asiatica (L) Lam.(Rutaceae).

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 145(2), 587-590.

Orwa, J.A.; Ngeny, L.; Mwikwabe, N.M.; Ondicho, J.; Jondiko, I.J.O.