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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2011 Antimicrobial compounds of Terminalia Brownii againsts sweet potato pathogens

The Natural Product Journal. Vol. 1, pp. 116-120.

Opiyo, S., Manguro, L., Owuor, P., Ochieng, C., Ateka, E., Lemmen, P.
2011 Variation in indoor levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from burning various biomass types in the traditional grass-roofed households in Western Kenya.

Environmental Pollution. 159, 1810-1815 (Elsevier)

Lisouza, F.A.; Owuor, P.O.; Lalah, J.O.
2011 Extracellular polymeric substances enhanced mass transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the two-liquid-phase system for biodegradation,

 Applied Microbio and Biotechnol, (Vol and pages) DOI 10.1007/s00253-011-3134-5. (Springer)

Zhang, Y.; Wang, F.; Yang, X.; Gu C.; Kengara, F.O.; Hong, Q., Lv, Z.; Jiang, X.
2011 Enhanced microbial degradation of humin-bound phenanthrene in a two-liquid-phase system,

 J Hazard Mater, 186, 1830–1836. (Elsevier)

Zhang, Y., Wang, F., Wang, C., Hong, Q., Kengara, F.O., Wang, T., Song, Y.; Jiang, X.
2011 Comparison of the effects of autoclaving and mercuric chloride sterilization on PAHs dissipation in a two-liquid-phase soil slurry,

Pedosphere, 21(1): 56-64. (Elsevier).

Wang, C-Y., Wang, F., Wang, T., Yang, X-L., Bian, Y-R., Kengara, F.O., Li, Z-B.; Jiang, X.
2011 Effects of long term fertilizer use on a high yielding tea clone S15/10: Soil pH, mature leaf nitrogen, mature leaf and soil phosphorus and potassium.

 International Journal of Tea Science, 8(1), 15-51 (International Society of Tea Science and the Tea Board of India)

Owuor, P.O.; Othieno, C.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Wanyoko, J.K.
2011 Effects of genotype, environment and management on yields and quality of black tea. In E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Genetics, Biofuels and Local Farming Systems:

Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 7, pp 277-307, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1521-9_10  (Springer, Heidelberg)

Owuor, P.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Kamunya, S.M.; Msomba, S.W.; Uwimana, M.A.; Okal, A.W.; Kwach, B.O.
2011 7a-Acetylugandensolide and antimicrobial properties of Warburgia ugandensis extracts and isolates against sweet potato pathogens.

Phytochemistry Letters, 4, 161–165 (Elsevier) 

Opiyo, S.A.; Manguro, L.O.A.; Owuor, P.O.; Ateka, E.M.; Lemmen, P.
2011 Triterpene saponins of Maesa lanceolata leaves.
ARKIVOC 2011 (ii) 172-198 (ARKAT-USA, Inc.)
Manguro, L.O.A.; Midiwo, J.O.; Tietze, L.F.; Hao, P.
2011 Metribuzin mobility in soil column as affected by environmental and physico-chemical parameters in Mumias sugar zone, Kenya.

ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biologigal Science, 6(3), 27-33 (APRN Journals)

Lagat, S.C.; Lalah, J.O.; Kowenje, C.O.; Getenga, G.M.