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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2010 Effective microorganisms and their influence on growth and yield of pigweed (Amaranthus dubians).

Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 5(1), 17-22 (Asian Research Publishing Networks).

Muthaura, C.; Musyimi, D.M.; Ogur, J.A.; Okello, S.V.
2010 Chemical constituents of essential oils from three Eucalyptus species acclimatized in Ethiopia and Kenya.

Journal Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 15 (2), 112-115. (Har Krishan Balla & Sons, India) 

Manguro, L.O.A.; Asefa, A.; Dagne, E.; Muchori, P.W.
2010 Effects of copper (II) exchange levels in Faujasite-X on ammonia ligations.

Journal of South African Chemical Society, 63, 6-10. (South African Chemical Society) 

Kowenje, C.O.; Doetschman, D.C.; Kanyi, C.W.; Yang, S.W.; Jones, B.R..; DeCoste, J.; Shulte, J. T.; Yan, K..; Sumbur, J.B.; Lee, M.H.
2010 Degradation capacity of a 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene mineralizing microbial community for traces or organochlorine pesticides.

Science of the Total Environment, 408, 3359–3366 (Elsevier).

Kengara, F.O.; Schramm, K.W.; Doerfler, U.; Munch, J.C.; Henkelmann, B.; Welzl, G.; Bernhoeft, S.; Hense, B.; Schroll, R.
2010 Remediation potential of Persistent Organic Pollutants: Effect of steering ecological conditions on DDT and HCB degradation in tropical clay soils,

 VDM Publishing House Ltd., Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-29896-3,  224 pages.

Kengara, F.O.
2010 Changes in soil chemical properties and leaf nutrients content due to nitrogen fertilizer rates and application intervals.

 Tea, 31(1), 22-27. (Tea Research Foundation of Kenya)

Kebeney, S.J.; Kamau, D.M.; Ng’etich, W.K.; Owuor, P.O. (2010).
2010 Quantitative genetic parameters for yield, drought tolerance and some quality traits in tea (Camellia sinensis L.) O. Kuntze.

Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(2), 53-65 (Bhat Complex Press)

Kamunya, S.M.; Wachira, F.N.; Owuor, P.O.; Pathak, R.S.; Wanyoko, J.K.; Sharma, R.K.; Muoki, R.C.
2010 Pretreatment with natural flavones and neuronal cell survival after oxidative stress: A structure-activity relationship study.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (4), 2111–2115 (American Chemical Society)

Echeverry, C.; Arredondo, F.; Abin-Carriquiry, J.A.; Midiwo, J.O.; Ochieng, C.; Kerubo, L. Dajas, F.
2010 Characterization and evaluaftion of repellent effect of essential oil of Mangifera indica L. from Kenya.

Journal of Essential Oils Bearing Plants, 13 (1), 85-96. (Har Krishan Balla & Sons, India)

Alwala, O.J.; Wanzala, W.; Inyambukho, R.A.; Osundwa, E.M.; Ndiege, I.O.
2010 Iron and protein content of priority African indigenous vegetables in the Lake Victoria Basin.

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology,. 4(4) ,1939-1250.pages

Abukutsa-Onyango, M. O.; Kavagi, P.; Amoke, P.; Habwe, F.O.