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School of Education Publications

Year Abstract/Paper Journal Author(s)
2010 Influence of region of production on relative clonal plain tea quality parameters in Kenya.

Food Chemistry, 119, 1168-1174 (Elsevier). 

Owuor, P.O.; Wachira, F.N.; Ng’etich, W.K
2010 Influence of area of production and nitrogenous fertiliser rates on yields and plain tea quality parameters of clonal tea.

Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 8 (2), 682-690 (WFL Publisher, Helsinki, Finland). 

Owuor, P.O.; Kamau, D.M.; Jondiko, E.O.
2010 Soil and water contamination with carbofuran residues in agricultural farmlands in Kenya following the application of the technical formulation Furadan.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 45, 137-144 (Taylor and Francis)

Otieno, P.O.; Lalah, J.O.; Virani, M; Jondiko; I.O.; Schramm, K.W.
2010 Survey of sweet potato viruses and detection of cucumber mosaic virus in western Kenya.

 Journal of Plant Pathology,  92, (3), 795-799 (Edizioni ETS, Italian Phytopathological Society)

Opiyo, S.A.; Ateka, E.M.; Owuor, P.O.; Manguro, L.O.A.; Karuri, H.W.
2010 Development of a multiplex PCR technique for simultaneous detection of Sweet potato Feathery mottle virus and Sweet potato Chlorotic virus.

 Journal of Plant Pathology, 92, (2), 353-356. (Edizioni ETS, Italian Phytopathological Society)

Opiyo, S.A.; Ateka, E.M.; Owuor, P.O.; Manguro, L.O. A.; Miano, D.W.
2010 Speciation of Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb in sediments sampled from Lake Victoria basin, Kenya.

Environmentalist, 30, 254-259. (Springer) 

Ongeri, D. M.K.; Lalah, J.O.; Wandiga, S.O.
2010 Impact of fertilizers on heavy metal loads in surface soils in Nzoia nucleus Estate Sugarcane Farms in Western Kenya.

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 85(6), 602-608

Omwoma, S.; Lalah, J.O.; Ongeri, D.M.K.; Wanyonyi, M.B.
2010 Pyrazole and (pyrazol-1-yl)metal complexes as carbon-carbon coupling catalysts.

Inorg. Chim. Acta. Rev. (In press) (Elsevier) 

Ojwach, S.O.; Darkwa, J.
2010 Proximate Composition, Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Three Black Plum (Vitex sp.) Fruits: Preliminary Results,

 Journal of Food Technology,  8(3), 118-125 (Medwell Journals, Scientific Research Publishing Company)

Ochieng, C.O.; Nandwa, B.O.
2010 Anti-plasmodial and larvicidal effects of surface exudates of Gardenia ternifolia aerial parts.

Research Journal of Pharmacology, 4(2), 45-50. (Medwell Journals, Scientific Research Publishing Company) 

Ochieng, C.O.; Midiwo, J.O.; Owuor, P.O.